Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Reading my first post ever, from two years ago and wondering..what was I on about……..lol
Anyhu..so today I began the gratitude challenge…I must say…just after the first day I feel so good about myself…in all honestly…without expecting to…..it does help a lot that the day is beautiful...yummy sun…work coming my way….I love it…
And you know you are doing well when u have chicken for breakfast…..doesn't matter if its leftovers form diner :p….uuuuu….talking of chicken…yesterday I outdid myself and made myself kinda dinner…..baked potato wedges and delicious marinated chicken..uuu and baked tomatoes..not to forget a glass of chilled white wine.….too delish…now i'm hungry…..*fills mouth with Mabuyu*


Monday, August 25, 2014

Hey Nobody,
So…..I apparently make a full mug of coffee, knowing I will only drink half of it….always….so why is it that I can't just make half a mug of coffee and actually finish it? maybe I'm afraid I will only take half of the half….there has to be a name for this condition….any help?

Beginning of the end of August. Beautiful day…. sunshine…happy….

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I finally have a blog.
A toast to hoping I'm anonymous to all and can finally speak my mind without fear.....=)... this comes from a person who has always wanted a journal/diary, whatever u wanna call it, .... but always been too scared that people will discover it, and read me up.... shiver. No More Fear.

And now.... to figure out how this works. I'm certain it aint rocket science.
Looking fwwd to some fun times.
